With consumer duty continuing to maintain the spotlight on consumer vulnerability, the conference provided the opportunity to hear from some of the leading experts in the area on some great initiatives and examples of good practice.

Below you’ll find a range of useful resources from the speakers and exhibitors.

Session 1: Applying Consumer Duty to clients in vulnerable circumstances | Keith Richards

Session 2: Wealth - the great insulator from vulnerability in retirement - fact or fiction? | Tim Farmer

Session 3: Harnessing the power of attorneys to safeguard against foreseeable harm | Tish Hanifan

Session 4: Providing a safe pair of hands for clients in vulnerable circumstances | Robin Melley

Session 5: The Big Q and A and summary | Martin Lines


Conference agenda and speakers’ resources

Click on each image to watch on-demand.

Session 1: Applying Consumer Duty to clients in vulnerable circumstances | Keith Richards

Consumer Duty Alliance and Financial Vulnerability Taskforce

Telephone : 07786 023033

Email : keith.richards@consumerduty.org

Website : www.consumerduty.org

Session 2: Wealth - the great insulator from vulnerability in retirement - fact or fiction? | Tim Farmer


Telephone : 0203 282 0582
Email : hello@comentis.co.uk
Website : www.comentis.co.uk

Session 3: Harnessing the power of attorneys to safeguard against foreseeable harm | Tish Hanifan

Society of Later Life Advisers

Telephone : 0333 2020 454
Email : admin@societyoflaterlifeadvisers.co.uk
Website: www.societyoflaterlifeadvisers.co.uk

Session 4: Providing a safe pair of hands for clients in vulnerable circumstances | Robin Melley

Matrix Captial 

Telephone : 01746 712900
Email : robin@matrixcapital.co.uk
Website : www.matrixcapital.co.uk

Session 5: The Big Q and A and summary | Martin Lines

Just resources

Click on each image to learn more:

Exhibitor resources