Drawdown toolkit

Welcome to our drawdown toolkit. Get instant access to online resources that are designed to provide ongoing support when reviewing drawdown business with your clients.

The Drawdown Review Process

Your review process is important and here we look at some of the steps for clients who have just taken their tax-free lump sum and those who are drawing an income.

  Drawdown process sales aid A robust review process guide
Drawdown question set Personalising guaranteed income – initial question set


These tools help you model the sustainability of income, calculate the critical yield and demonstrate your clients' possible longevity.

Critical yield calculators >

Our bespoke critical yield tools will give you an indication of what your client's critical yield might be - incorporating the impact of your client's health conditions.

Drawdown risk calculator >

This calculator helps you to model the sustainability of taking an income through drawdown.

Longevity calculator >

Here we model how long your client may live.