Market insight

From far-reaching reforms to customer vulnerability, we’ve brought together research papers from Just and external experts to help support your understanding of the retirement income market, and the challenges those operating in it face.

Advice use among drawdown customers slumps to below 50% for the first time, new FCA data reveals

The proportion of savers accessing a pension for the first time using income drawdown with advice has fallen below half for the first time. Click here to find out more.

A timely warning – older annuity buyers have most to lose by not shopping around

The gap between the best and worst annuity rates has trended higher through 2024. A 75-year-old can receive 20% more income by choosing the best over the worst deal. Click here to find out more.

Single pensioners on full State Pension need more than £5,000 extra income a year to reach Minimum Income Standard

Single pensioners require £5,698 and pensioner couples an extra £4,795 on top of full State Pension to reach Joseph Rowntree’s Minimum Income Standard. Find out more

Pensioner homeowners more than twice as likely than renters never to have checked State Benefit eligibility

38% of homeowners over 65 have never checked eligibility for State Benefits vs 15% of renters. Renters twice as likely (41%) to have checked their benefit entitlement in past year compared to 20% of homeowners. HUB Financial Solutions urges pensioners not to assume that owning a property excludes them from additional government financial support. Read this report to find out more.

Social care cap scrap: Most voters happy to pay more tax for better services and favour increase in carers' munimum wage

Government cancellation of social care cap leaves policy vacuum for sector reform. Increasing carers; mumimum wage - a Labour manifesto pledge - was most popular option among voters to improve system. Strained public finances likely to limit options but majority happy to pay more tax for better social care services. Find out more

Generation Boomerang: Half of Gen X parents have adult children living with them full time

Nearly three-quarters of this cohort also provide finaincial support to their adult children. Just Group spotlights financial pressures on Gen x and the impact on retirement outcomes. Find out more

Only 17% of homeowners aged over 65 have made home adaptations and just 15% expect to make changes

Will you feel at home in later life? Research shows only a minority of over-65s planning to make home adaptations for later life care. Only 17% of homeowners aged over 65 have made home adaptations and just 15% expect to make changes. Read this report to find out more. 

Stringent Carer's Allowance rules discouraging thousands of carers from working

Thousands of working age carers discouraged from working due to stringent Carer’s Allowance rules. Seven in 10 (72%) in receipt of Carer’s Allowance not in paid employment. One in six (16%) do work but more likely to be in low-wage jobs. Care system forcing people – mainly women – to sacrifice their careers and undermine pension saving, says retirement specialist Just Group. Read this report to find out more. 

One in 10 early pension dippers regret withdrawing from pot before retiring

One in 10 early pension dippers regret withdrawing from pot before retiring as half fail to seek advice or guidance. Around one in 10 retirees who withdrew from their pension between the age of 55 and leaving full-time work said they regretted it. Half of these early pension dippers didn’t receive any advice or guidance before accessing their pension. Read this report to find out more. 

62% of over 75s waiting for clear government policy on social care to start planning

More than three in five over 75s say that they are delaying financial plans for potential residential care needs until new plans for funding are introduced. Liberal Democrats have pledged free personal care for older people as voters await manifestos from the Labour and Conservative parties. Read this report to find out more.